Our Friends and Partners understand and support our mission...
To keep Wellington THRIVING through community building and the promotion of our local businesses. As a 501(c)(3) non profit organization, we rely on three streams of funding. 1/3 from our fundraisers, 1/3 grants or local government support, and 1/3 from our partners and friends aka members. There are a few perks to being a partner or friend. Please see below for details on the benefits to becoming a friend or partner! Or you can call us and we can send an invoice and a paper application. 440-647-3987 If you are comfortable paying online- scroll down and click on your chosen category. |
Become a Friend or a Partner
Individual Lifetime Friend
Household Lifetime Friends
Individual Friend
Household Friends
Non Profit Partners
Supporting Partner
365 or Dollar a Day Partner
Cornerstone Partner