We are happy to work with you to make your sponsorship make an impact!
If you would like to discuss, or prefer to receive an invoice versus paying on-line. Please call us at 440-647-3987 or send an email to [email protected]
Title Sponsor
There is only one title sponsor per event. You would be THE grand-daddy of the event! Your company name & logo would be prominently in all print, social media, website, and press release advertisements. If radio spots are available- YOU would be mentioned often.
You would receive 2 booth spaces at the event if applicable and your LARGE logo would be on all event signage, banners, etc. You would be acknowledged on the event day as the Title Sponsor.
***Fourth of July/Fireworks/Independence Day are above and beyond this category.
Presenting Sponsor
A Presenting Sponsor is limited to 3 per large event.
Their company name and logo will be displayed prominently in all print and social media, website, and press release ads.
They will get a complimentary booth location at events if applicable.
And their medium-sized logo on event signage/banners, etc.
Plus, acknowledged on the event day as a Presenting Sponsor.
***Fourth of July/Fireworks/Independence Day are separate from this category.
Supporting Sponsor
Thank you for being a Supporting Sponsor. There is a limit of 4 Supporting Partners per large event.
Company name featured in all print and social media and website advertisements for the event. Acknowledged on event day as Supporting Partners
Please choose the correct amount if you are a Partner {member]
***Fourth of July/Fireworks/Independence Day are separate from this category.
Partnering Sponsorship
We have a variety of sponsorships for events, prizes, and more.
The Partnering sponsors are unlimited for events.
Your company name is listed in most print and social media and website advertisements for the event and/or the prize.
Please contact the office for detailed information if you have questions or if the amount you were quoted does not match an amount online.
An invoice can also be sent and you are also able to pay via check.